Luka (Giorgio) Ðorđević


2023-now Principal Investigator, University of Padova (IT), Department of Chemical Sciences
Synthesis; self-assembly; supramolecular materials; soft matter; photocatalysis. 

2018-2022 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Northwestern University (USA),

with Prof. Samuel I. Stupp (link), Department of Chemistry and Center for Bio-inspired Energy Sciences

2016-2018 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Cardiff University (UK) and University of Trieste (IT)

with Prof. Maurizio Prato (link) and Prof. Davide Bonifazi (link).

2012-2016 Ph.D. Student, University of Trieste (Italy), Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Supervisor: Prof. Davide Bonifazi (link). 

2014-2015 Visiting scholar, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (USA)

Supervisors: Ed Holson and Florence Wagner (link). 

2014-2015 Student, Harvard University, Extension School (USA)

Classes in Org. Chem./Drug Synthesis and Action, Organic Chemistry and Chemistry in Context

2007-2011 Student, University of Trieste (Italy)

Master's degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology

Selected Awards and Distinctions

2024 Nanoscale Emerging Investigator (Royal Society of Chemistry)

2024 "Rita Levi Montalcini for young researchers" programme (Italian Ministry of University and Research)

2023 ERC Starting Grant (EU’s Horizon Europe)

2022 European Young Chemists' Award Finalist (European Chemical Society)

2021 Dream Chemistry Award Top 5 (IChF Polish Academy of Sciences  and IOCB Czech Academy of Sciences)

2020 “Giacomo Ciamician Medal" (Italian Chemical Society)

2020 "Stanislao Cannizzaro International Prize for Chemistry and Chemical-Physics" (Accademia dei Lincei) 

2018 "Primo Levi Award" (Italian Chemical Society − Young Group)

2017 Award for the “Best PhD dissertation” (CINMPIS)

Selected Invited Presentations to International Conferences

2024 Second Symposium for Young Chemists (SYNC) (25-06-2024, Rome)

Invited keynote speaker

2024 Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 2024 (04-06-2024, INFN Frascati)

Invited plenary speaker

2024 5th China-Italy Bilateral Symposium of Organic Chemistry (V-CISOC) (12-05-2024, Hangzhou)

Invited lecture

2024 International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC) (09-05-2024, Hangzhou)

Oral speaker and session chair

2022 EuChemS Chemistry Congress (30-08-2022, Lisbon)

Invited oral presentation

2022 Supramol 2022 (30-06-2022, Salerno)

Invited keynote lecture

2021 Dream Chemistry Award 2021 (06-12-2021, Prague)

Invited oral presentation

2021 Awards and medals ceremony (25-06-2021, Rome, Italian Chemical Society)

Invited oral presentation

2020 Energy Frontiers Research Centers Meeting (16-11-2020, online, U.S. Department of Energy)

Invited oral presentation

2019 Merck Young Chemists Symposium, MYCS 2019 (XIX Edition, 26-11-2019, Rimini)

Invited oral presentation

2018 Towards a New Vision of Chemistry in Everyday Life and Technology (16-12-2017, Cagliari, CINMPIS XVII Edition)

Invited plenary



 - Teaching assistant “Organic Chemistry” (Prof. Bonifazi, 2015)

 - Teaching assistant “Organic Chemistry” (Prof. Prato, 2012)

 - Teaching assistant “Advanced Organic Chemistry” (Prof. Prato, 2012)

Selected Memberships

American Chemical Society

Italian Chemical Society

European Photochemistry Association

Catalysis Club Chicago

Selected Reviewing Activity