Organic self-assembly and photocatalysis
Synthesis • Self-assembly • Nanomaterials • Catalysis
Welcome to our research lab, based at the University of Padova in the Department of Chemical Sciences. We are a young and dynamic team working in organic synthesis, supramolecular chemistry, and photocatalysis.
Our main research interests are the design, synthesis, self-assembly, and applications of π-conjugated molecular architectures for solar energy conversion and development of novel photochemical reactions.
If you would like to know more about our work, please have a look at our research and publications pages.
If you would like to come and work with us, have a read of our vacancies page.
Contact details:
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche
Via F. Marzolo 1
35131, Padova, Italy
2025/03/05 Our work on controlling self-assembled organic nanostructures and their use in photocatalytic H2 or H2O2 production is available as pre-print (chemrxiv). Let's find you a home!
2025/03/03 We got another paper in into Advanced Materials! Hope to share soon our work with a new twist on photocatalysis!
2025/02/17 David's article has been accepted in Small! Looking forward to share soon our work on transient supramolecular polymers. Update: link!
2025/02/15 Matilde, David, and Luka participated in the outreach event "La Chimica Svelata" (Chemistry revealed) and showed how to make homemade batteries.
2025/01/23 Our Nanoscale paper was selected as one of the most popular articles of 2024!
2025/01/22 After the TV appearance, now it is time for a radio! Had a nice chat with Maurizio Melis at Smart City (Radio24). Here is the link.
2025/01/15 The group has been doing some filming lately - here is our first appearance on Italian TV! We look like we know what we are doing!
2025/01/09 Finally able to share our Nature collaborative paper! Between the article's acceptance and being available online, Fraser has passed away - he has helped us a lot and will be dearly missed!
2025/01/08 Our Advanced Materials paper is out in its final form! Have a look here!
2024/11/23 A collaborative paper has been accepted in Nature! Thanks to Huang Wu, Fraser Stoddart, and all the co-authors for the collaboration. Looking forward to share the work on the new supramolecular frameworks soon!
2024/11/04 Not one, but two new group members are joining us today − welcome Marianna Barbieri and Matilde Doardo. Best of luck with the PhD studies, you got this!
2024/10/24 And now the Advanced Materials article is available online as early view and open access!
2024/10/14 Our paper was just accepted for publication in Advanced Materials! Cannot wait for the article to be online?! You absolutely must know about how we developed a homogeneous reaction and integrated it into a porous scaffold?! Then check out the pre-print here. Thanks to the Arcudi group for all the help!
2024/10/04 Our bachelor student in Industrial Chemistry, dott.ssa Aurora Beltrame, just defended her thesis with flying colors and is ready to graduate! Best of luck with your master's degree in Chemistry!
2024/10/03 New paper is out in Advanced Sustainable Systems! A thorough photocatalytic study combining different techniques?! Have a look at the open access article here. Great collaboration with the Sartorel group!
2024/09/30 We have a new group member: Emelie Huhn is visiting from Giessen and will put her synthetic skills into making some compounds!
2024/09/28 Part of the group was out this Saturday at Science4All, the science festival organized by our university! Did you know that gin tonic is fluorescent?!
2024/09/23 Our master's student, dott.ssa Marianna Barbieri, did a fantastic job defending her thesis work. She will graduate in a couple of days, but we are lucky to have her back in a month to start her PhD studies!